Tested 20+ Applications Through Hybrid Testing Methodology






Appscan, BURP Suite, OWASP ZAP, KALI Linux & OpenSSL

The Business Challenge

An Ohio-headquartered garage door manufacturer entrusted Evoke with Security Testing services to assess the Application Security Posture of 18+ applications and help remediate vulnerabilities, if any identified. Testing tools limitation and lack of security testing expertise resulted in application vulnerabilities with varying severities.

The Solution
  • Helped perform Dynamic Application Security Assessments of 20 applications in 4 months.
  • Carried out assessments that included Threat Modeling, Automated Scans, and Manual Testing.
  • Conducted Detailed Annual Assessments for Top 10 Critical Applications
Business Benefits
  • Identified 316 vulnerabilities of which 29 were Critical and 122 were High.
  • Identified 3 high-risk vulnerabilities in a vendor product.
  • Suggested remediations that would protect their Mail Servers as well.

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