Mobile Application Testing

Comprehensive Mobile Application Testing Services for an Enhanced End-User Experience

Our extensive experience in mobile application
testing enables us to offer high performing,
functional, and secure application.


Our rapid test case design and implementation help our clients improve the quality of their applications and address critical bugs effectively.

We have successfully delivered test automation projects using cloud-based tools for a variety of mobile test automation requirements. Our integrated mobile test automation uses an in-house automation framework & accelerators for mobile testing. We offer pay-as-you-go tools for cloud-based mobile testing tools.

Service Offerings

Functional Testing

We test application functionality to ensure that it meets the required quality and performance standards.

Performance Testing

Our mobile app performance testing examines the application’s scalability, reliability, and response time.

Automation Testing

Our test automation expertise includes automation for functional testing and mobile testing using commercial and open-source tools.

API Testing

We test APIs for performance and security to ensure they work as expected.

Usability Testing

Our experts perform usability testing for the application to ensure a seamless UI and engaging UX.

Compatibility Testing

We perform compatibility testing to ensure that the application works properly across different hardware and software platforms.

Security Testing

Our experts test the application for security vulnerabilities through simulated attacks and recommend the best solution.

Our Methodology

Due Diligence

  • Gather application requirements
  • Understand application flow
  • Build mobile test plan

Test Case Development

  • Customize mobile checklist as per application requirements
  • Prepare test cases based on the checklist and type of testing to be conducted

Test Execution

  • Execute test cases as per the scope on various mobile devices
  • Log defects into defect management tool
  • Update traceability metrics

Test Reporting

  • Prepare test reports
  • Review and publish test reports
  • Obtain signoff on all the deliverables

Success Stories

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