Java-based Development Services

Java Development Services for High-Quality Business Applications

We deliver comprehensive Java Development Services including
Architecture Services, Application Modernization,
Cloud Enablement, and Maintenance services

At Evoke, we have over two decades of experience in Java development services. This is evident from a vibrant portfolio of services delivered to multiple sectors – Manufacturing, Healthcare, Retail, BFSI, Education, Energy & Utilities, Hospitality, Corporate Services, and Transportation.

With a team of over 300 adept Java developers, our Services are a confluence of sophisticated architectural designs, agile modernization strategies, and advanced cloud enablement techniques. We’re not just about writing code; we’re about creating future-proof, fault-tolerant systems that scale with your business and respond dynamically to the ever-changing market demands. We pride ourselves on our full-stack capabilities, ensuring a seamless, end-to-end service that encapsulates both front-end aesthetics and back-end functionality.

Our commitment to excellence is unwavering, whether we’re modernizing legacy applications or crafting cloud-native solutions from the ground up. By partnering with us, you’re ensuring that your applications don’t just perform – they excel.

Services Offered

Are you in Application Modernization Journey? Many of our existing customers faced challenges in deciding Automation vs Transformation, Modern UX and Build vs Buy strategy. Try Our comprehensive Advisory services from Subject Matter Experts(SME) to adopt right strategy. We have a proprietary discovery engine which helps to gather insights into your business needs, translating them into a coherent, actionable transformation approach and navigate to modernization.

Our discovery process involves

  1. Application Portfolio Assessment
  2. Conduct Discovery Workshops
  3. Develop Modernization Roadmap
  4. Recommended Transformation Approach
  5. UX Research and Tech Recommendations

Enterprise Excellence

In the rapidly evolving digital landscape, businesses require robust and resilient solutions that remain effective through the years. At the core of our service offerings is our profound expertise in cutting-edge design and architectural principles, tailored to meet and exceed these enterprise demands.

We craft scalable and resilient systems with Modular Architecture, Microservices Architecture, and Cloud native architecture. These solutions are built on core design principles like Decoupling, Event-Driven, and Domain-Driven Design (DDD) strategies. These modern architectural approaches enable us to build solutions that are highly adaptable to change, facilitating seamless integration and interoperability across diverse systems and platforms.

Our teams are well versed with clean code practices and leverage AI Powered tools like GitHub Copilot to boost the developer productivity and deliver the software with high quality. Our commitment to architectural excellence extends to addressing critical compliance requirements, such as the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), through meticulous design that prioritizes data protection and privacy from the ground up.

Modernization & Cloud-Enabled Transformation

Seamless Evolution from Legacy to Cloud Excellence

Navigating the transition from legacy systems to modern, efficient, and secure platforms is crucial for businesses seeking growth. Our app modernization services are designed to mitigate risk, minimize downtime, and ensure a strategic phased transition that syncs with your business cycles. By refactoring and re-architecting legacy Java applications, we introduce new functionalities, boost performance, and facilitate seamless integration, supporting your evolving business landscape.

Our cloud-native application development expertise ensures that Java applications benefit fully from cloud technology, not just by moving to the cloud but by optimizing their performance for it. Beyond mainstream cloud platforms like AWS, Azure, and Google Cloud, we also leverage the strengths of Heroku and Cloud Foundry to provide flexible, scalable infrastructure and platform solutions tailored for Java/Spring applications. This comprehensive approach includes cloud migration, managed services, serverless architectures, and more, ensuring your applications are primed for current and future demands.

By opting for our integrated services in app modernization and cloud-enabled transformation, you align your enterprise with the forefront of technological advancement, ready to tackle today’s challenges with agility and poised for tomorrow’s opportunities.

Maintenance and Support

We have comprehensive support packages that helps us to focus on proactive monitoring, meticulous maintenance, and strategic performance optimization to drive operational efficiency as well as adhere to stringent compliance and service level agreements (SLAs). Furthermore, our expertise allows us to implement complex review mechanisms and SLAs into the very fabric of our solutions, ensuring that performance, availability, and service quality are not just promised but guaranteed.

Opting for our maintenance and support services means partnering with a team that’s dedicated to not just the maintenance but the continuous improvement and longevity of your applications. We commit to keeping your applications – both contemporary and time-tested – at the pinnacle of technology, ensuring they remain competitive, efficient, and fully capable of meeting your evolving business needs.

Our responsive team is equipped to swiftly identify and resolve issues, ensuring minimal downtime using modern observability tools like SolarWinds, Splunk, ELK, New Relic and Cloud Watch

  • APM – Application Performance Monitoring
  • Synthetics Monitoring
  • Infrastructure Monitoring
  • Site Reliability Practices
  • Application Security compliance
  • DevOps Practices
  • Disaster Recovery

Success Stories

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