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Performance Tuning and Support

  • Monitor system performance, identify bottlenecks, and optimize SAP landscapes.
  • Provide ongoing support, troubleshooting, and resolve issues promptly.

Change Management and Training

  • Assist users in adapting to SAP changes. This involves training sessions, documentation, and user support.
  • Manage organizational change during SAP implementations.

Predictive Maintenance (PdM)

Leverage AI to monitor equipment health and predict failures before they occur. AI algorithms can analyze data from sensors (e.g., temperature, vibrations, motion), to schedule maintenance proactively, reducing operational costs and downtime). For example, sound-based predictive maintenance uses deep learning techniques to classify sound clips and detect anomalies in machinery.

Connected Worker Solutions

Integrate AI with SAP Plant Maintenance. These solutions connect shop floor workers, digitizing and optimizing maintenance teams. AI-based mobile tools provide workforce analytics and optimization insights.

Next-Generation Support

SAP’s Next-Generation Support approach incorporates AI and machine learning. Features like Incident Solution Matching and automatic translation enhance customer support experiences.


ERP with AI-Powered Predictive Maintenance

  • Modern AI-powered ERP systems with in-memory databases perform advanced analytics for predictive maintenance. These systems are fast, responsive, and infinitely scalable.
  • AI-driven SAP support and maintenance enhance efficiency, reduce costs, and contribute to sustainability.

Success Stories

Ready to Take Your Business to the Next Level?

PPM Lite Brochure


PPM Lite Handbook




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